I wanted to keep some kind of journal about my life living in England, and I figured what better way to do that, while also keeping my friends and family up to date, than with a blog. So here it is - enjoy; I know I am!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Little Drink, a Little Moo

So Sabrina and Cara and I were taken out on Saturday night by our friend Britny - a girl who works for TimePlan and who actually had my job last year (and, funny enough, used to live in Sabrina's current room). She's great, and when I told her we were thinking of having a movie night in, she said: "well that honestly doesn't sound like much fun." HAH - at least she's honest! So after she twisted our arms, we took a taxi to her house, had some wine (yes, I drank wine!), and went down to a bar called MuMu's. It's right around the corner from my house (which could potentially be a bad thing...) and is honestly the coolest bar I have ever been to! It has a very burlesque atmosphere - it's decorated with chandeliers and what I would call "royalty chairs" and these very bizarre pictures. All I wanted to do was take pictures of everything!
The dance floor was also awesome - flashing lights everywhere, great mixed music - and ladies -- the guys here DANCE! And I'm not talking grind-up-on-you, grab-your-body-parts, try-to- stick-their-tongue-in-your-mouth dance. I'm talking actual full-out DANCE. Dance-better-than-we-ladies-dance dance. It was incredible to see!
So after a great night of drinking and DANCING (there was also plenty of room on the dance floor, by the way - none of this I-can't-move...I-feel-claustrophobic crap we get at home), we walked down to the Express Taxi place, where basically you just get in line and wait for a cab to come around the corner to pick you up - no calling a cab and getting a busy signal and walking the entire way home crying because your feet are bleeding in your new shoes which you thought you loved but have very quickly grown to hate. Fab-u-lous.

We went to bed at 4am, after eating some nachos with salso, and I slept soundly, dreaming burlesquenificent dreams ;)


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