I wanted to keep some kind of journal about my life living in England, and I figured what better way to do that, while also keeping my friends and family up to date, than with a blog. So here it is - enjoy; I know I am!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Countdown is ON

For the last two years (or so) I've dreamt of going somewhere to live and teach - somewhere different, exotic perhaps, cultured - somewhere over the rainbow (if you will).
On August 21st (a mere 18 days away!) I will fly to England to begin my fantastical adventure.
I will be living in Maidstone, Kent - a county that not only promises to fulfill my need to experience a different culture, but one that also offers such romantic scenery that I am sure to be swept up and simultaneously knocked off my feet -- Leeds Castle, in particular, is one of many magnificent museums that I simply cannot wait to see!
Maidstone is only 40 miles from London, and only 180 miles from Paris France (which, if you consider that Strathroy is about 140 miles from Toronto, is not very far at all).
I will be teaching at Holmesdale Technology College, a technology school with approximately 900 students ages 11-18. I'll be teaching English, although I don't yet know the specifics of my timetable or the courses I will have. Regardless, it will be an educational experience for me as well as for my students (I need to remember to avoid calling pants "pants" - that means underwear over there, no?). The language barrier will be interesting nonetheless, and will likely be the cause of many embarrassing stories for me to blog about.
It seems like only yesterday (such a cliche, but so true) that I had my interview with Timeplan - the recruiting company that hired me - and was offered a job. I cannot believe that in a little over two weeks I'm going to leave everything I know behind and start a life in a whole new world! This whole experience has been incredible so far, and I'm not even there yet. I can't wait to keep everyone updated on my adventures in the UK.